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RP Mystic’s Guide to Aquarius Season

Photo of “Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility” laid next to a decorative white starburst above a pink and green iridescent backdrop

Aquarius Season usually occurs between January 20th and February 18th each year. Symbolized by the Water Bearer, this fixed air sign corresponds to the 11th zodiac sign of the year. In her book, Signs & Skymates: The Ultimate Guide to Astrological Compatibility, author and astrologer Dossé-Via Trenou writes of this zodiac sign: “Masters of healthy nonattachment, yet pros at being present with life’s transitions and plot twists, Aquarius beings teach us how to embrace the unusual, and infinitely fascinating, aspects of life, and of ourselves. Aquarius energy is universal, eclectic, and purifying. But because it can’t be categorized, it can also feel destabilizing, erratic, and terrifying to skymates who have yet to embrace their own complexities.”

Explore the Aquarius sign’s astrological connections—spanning romance, friendship, and even self-discovery—with the abridged paperback edition: The Essential Signs & Skymates: Astrological Compatibility for Every Sign.

Here, we’ve gathered enchanting correspondences, empowering rituals, and purifying crystals to meaningfully embrace Aquarius Season.

Photo of "Signs & Skymates Astrological Compatibility Deck" laid above face-up cards from the deck

The Astrology of Aquarius

Since every zodiac season presents an opportunity to dive deep within yourself, let’s start by going over the basic aspects of Aquarius from Dossé-Via Trenou’s Signs & Skymates: Astrological Compatibility Deck.

Planetary Rulers: Saturn, the Planet of Responsibility & Uranus, the Planet of Revolution

Saturn ensures that each human faces the trials they need to grow. It’s not up to other humans to decide which growth is the most authentic or the most valuable. We all grow differently. Focus on your own growth, adhere to your own path, put in your own work, and you will see progress.

Uranus sparks change in unexpected ways, reminding us that change is the only constant in life. Uranus is the type of energy that makes us talk about things others may prefer to brush under the rug.

Motto: We are beyond what we think we are.

Photo of the Mystic Mondays: The Astro Alignment Deck box and guidebook laying above cards from the deck.

Modalities and Elements

Modalities and elements help us understand each sign’s behavioral energy and temperament. Aquarius is a fixed air sign. To understand what these aspects mean for Aquarius season, we turn to Grace Duong’s Mystic Mondays: The Astro Alignment Deck: A Deck and Guidebook for Celestial Connection.

Aquarius is a Fixed Sign

Action, Momentum, Dedication

Within each season, we move through three modalities: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Aquarius has Fixed energy, which means they stick to their values and hold strong convictions stabilized through logic. Since they value tradition, Fixed signs can often be seen as stubborn and resistant to change.

Aquarius is an Air Sign

Expansive, Intellectual, Inquisitive

All four elements—Fire, Water, Air, and Earth—are represented in each modality. The element can indicate the temperament and nature of the person with that sign and inform on what other zodiac signs they get along with best.

The element of Air represents Aquarius. Air signs prefer to live in their mental space, relying on rationality and logic. They can see objectively because they are able to detach emotions from facts, evaluating the truth of the situation.

While this is a strength, Aquarius signs must learn how to connect with their emotions and see them as valuable information to self understanding as well as a way to connect with others.

Photo of the Dolphin card from "Mystic Mondays: The Cosmic Creatures Deck"

Get to Know the Aquarius Dolphin

While the symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer, the Dolphin is often an animal associated with this zodiac sign. Mystic Mondays creator Grace Duong shares the distinctive traits of the Dolphin in her Cosmic Creatures Deck: A Deck and Guidebook to Connect to the Wilderness Within.

Dolphin: Compassion, Playfulness, Harmony

A highly intelligent and playful mammal, the Dolphin is a reminder to have more fun and not take life so seriously. With lighthearted abandon, let go of the expectations that you’ve set for yourself and enjoy each moment for what it is. Invite more flow into your everyday and let that guide you as you keep swimming along. The Dolphin symbolizes peace and harmony, especially with your community! Dolphins are social creatures that swim in pods, and they use their strength in numbers wisely. Remember that you can always rely on the support of your community and ask for help when you need it. With its unmatched intelligence, the Dolphin synchronizes mind, body, and spirit in unison, creating the space for more fluidity and joy to occur.

Photo of The Star card from "The Artist Decoded Tarot"

Explore the Tarot Card for Aquarius

All zodiac signs are ruled by a tarot card from the Major Arcana, and for Aquarians, it’s The Star. We’ll dive into the meaning behind this card with Jennifer Sodini and Yoshino’s The Artist Decoded Tarot: A Deck and Guidebook.

XVII The Star: The Shimmering of Hope

The Star represents hope, inspiration, a rejuvenated sense of purpose, and renewed optimism after a particularly challenging time.

This card also conveys profound revelations. It signifies a journey toward divine connection and spiritual enlightenment, symbolized by its corresponding Hebrew letter, Tzadik (צ), or the “righteous one.” This letter represents a celestial conduit or spiritual master who is in harmony with creative force.

When The Star appears in your reading, it marks a pivotal point of transformation on your spiritual path. This card is a harbinger of hope, healing, and the actualization of dreams.

As Carl Sagan once brilliantly wrote, “We are made of star stuff.” Remember, and cherish, your unique spark of stardust, and maintain faith in your ongoing voyage into the great beyond.

UPRIGHT: Cosmic consciousness, faith, spirituality, radiance

REVERSE: Disconnection from spirit, despair, disenchantment, creative blockages

The Artist Decoded Tarot recommends the following songs for inspiration and reflection: “Starman” by David Bowie, “Origin of Love” by Stephen Trask, “Codex” by Radiohead, “Patience” by Saul Williams, and “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin.

Photo of “The Cosmic Symposium: An Astrological Journey through the Orchestra of the Planets” laid above a white and gold marbled backdrop

A Ritual for Aquarius Season

Since Uranus is the modern ruling planet of Aquarius, we’re focusing on a ritual from Aubrey Houdeshell’s The Cosmic Symposium: An Astrological Journey through the Orchestra of the Planets.

Before working with Uranian energy, keep this in mind: “While Uranus is deeply concerned with the higher good of the community, it also values originality and individuality above all else. This is, perhaps, the true nature of the revolutionary genius: they are revered because they are truly different from the rest of us, and by honoring and embodying their truth unapologetically, they liberate the collective to do the same. Uranus knows that the most fulfilling experience lies in authenticity, even if others push back against it or reject it.”

According to The Cosmic Symposium, the best way to work with Uranian energy is on a Wednesday. It’s important to remember that you should only work with Uranus when you are ready to enact great change, as common Uranian themes include “sparking or working with your inner genius, rebellion, community, extreme change or upheaval, social justice, revolution, liberation, the heavens, magick in general, technology, and innovation.”

While your Uranian ritual is a deeply personal experience, we recommend that you incorporate some things commonly associated with this modern planet. Wear the color purple, or include purple offerings on your altar, like a purple candle. Incorporate crystals like amethyst, labradorite, and tourmaline.

Once ready, work with your preferred tarot or oracle deck to intuitively pull cards based on these questions:

Which card best represents my unique inner genius?
How can I better honor and trust my authentic self?
What unique gift do I have that I can use to help serve my community?
A message from Uranus.

Photo of "Essential Oils" standing on a short log surrounded by mushrooms and flowers

Tap Into Essential Oils for Aquarius Season

Supplementing your self-care rituals with essential oils is most beneficial during Aquarius season. These recommendations are courtesy of Cerridwen Greenleaf’s Essential Oils: A Little Introduction to Their Uses and Health Benefits.

[Note: No matter how delightfully scented, please remember that you should never ingest any of these oils. Be careful when working with essential oils; use them in conjunction with carrier or base oils so that they do not irritate your skin. Even diluted, we suggest that you wear clean cotton gloves when preparing oils and do not get the oils in your eyes.]

Cypress: Originates from the eastern Mediterranean region; this mystical oil soothes the soul and is a balm for those who are suffering from grief, despair, and hopelessness. With an evergreen and lightly spicy aroma, cypress oil can connect you to loved ones who have passed away. Cypress offers strength, energy, and hope.

Lavender: Lavender is soothing, calming, nurturing, and relaxing. This versatile essential oil is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, sedative, antidepressant, topical treatment for scalds and burns, and a powerful detoxifier. Lavender promotes healing, and the lovely scent has a calming effect that is widely used in aromatherapy.

Pine: Renowned for its clean scent, pine will restore your spirit when you feel gloomy. This earthy and fresh-scented oil is very useful in house magic, and is associated with longevity and nature spirits, especially those of the woodlands and farmlands.

Lemon balm: A sweet and lemony essential oil that is ideal for boosting the immune system and calming emotional distress. Because of its herbal undertones, this cold-pressed oil also helps alleviate grief, loss, and sadness; it is truly a balm for many ills.

Ylang ylang: Ylang ylang’s sweet, floral aroma is relaxing and reduces worry and anxiety. This richly perfumed essential oil is a mood-booster, an anti-inflammatory, and an aphrodisiac that benefits both the mind and body. Ylang ylang instills confidence and helps you overcome shyness; it is exceptional in sensual spells and love charms.

Photo of "Mystic Mondays: The Crystal Grid Deck" standing among various crystals in front of a pink and green iridescent background

Harness The Power of Crystals for Aquarius Season

Though Aquarians are often viewed as emotionally distant, they are far more sensitive than you might expect. These crystals, courtesy of The Crystal Grid Deck: An 80-Card Deck to Charge Your Intentions by Mystic Mondays creator Grace Duong, each offer support in their own unique ways.

Blue Obsidian: Expansive, Divination, Astral Travel
Cool to the core, Blue Obsidian is created from a natural volcanic glass that has the ability to expand one’s natural talents. Astral travel and envisioning dreams are protected and safe when you are using this crystal. A powerful divination stone, Blue Obsidian enhances psychic abilities and uncovers natural talents for the unknown. It clears away mental clutter and makes way for clear channeling of intuitive messages, allowing you to focus on one message at a time. A natural healer, Blue Obsidian promotes circulation for your body and opens the aura to receive.

Cuprite: Generosity, Security, Flow
A humanitarian at heart, Cuprite encourages the practice of helping others without expectations. It assists in facing issues with authority figures, especially your father, in order to become the authority figure in your own life. Cuprite helps release any blame and resistance that may be blocking you from taking responsibility for the decisions you make. Activating the survival gene, Cuprite attracts what we need to make it through challenging moments, increasing our life force and overall vitality. Take the driver’s seat, you’re ready.

Hematite: Grounding, Magnetic Pull, Focus
With a magnetism that is sky-high, Hematite has the ability to absorb negative emotions and create strong energetic boundaries. ITs authoritarian force releases self-imposed limitations. A powerful stone to use in grounding oneself, Hematite activates the root chakra and balances out the seven chakras by pulling toxicity from your aura. Deriving from the Latin word for blood, Hematite cleanses the blood in the body by promoting circulation and energizing the nervous system to begin anew. Use Hematite when you need that extra boost!

Amethyst: Protection, Trust, Intuition
Get ready to purify! Amethyst has powerful and beneficial properties, including the ability to release addictive behaviors while also protecting your energy field. Amethyst is a great crystal to meditate with, as it promotes peace and tranquility between your emotional, physical, and spiritual planes, creating harmony inside and out. It is linked to the crown and third eye chakras, connecting your intuition to the divine source. Bask in the violet rays of the Amethyst crystal and stimulate your soul!

Dive Deeper

Begin or enhance your astrological practice with the offerings featured in this guide. Plus: Discover your perfect astrological mini with our post “The Zodiac Signs as RP Mystic Minis.”

Featured Titles

Dosse-Via Trenou, author of Signs & Skymates

Dossé-Via Trenou

About the Author

Dossé-Via Trenou is a West African astrologer who has been studying the field since she was ten years old. She has attracted hundreds of thousands of followers via her platform @ScorpioMystique and on the app, KnowTheZodiac. She graduated with her Master’s degree in English Education from Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a professional model, actor, and creator of Magic & Melanin, a travel agency providing immersive experiences for humans of African descent to know, explore, and invest in the Motherland. She is the author of Signs & Skymates, and this is her first book for young readers.

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Grace Duong

About the Author

Grace Duong is a multidisciplinary artist, author, and entrepreneur at the intersection of art, tech and metaphysics. She is the creator of Mystic Mondays and the bestselling Mystic Mondays Tarot Deck. Grace lives in Philadelphia. She can be found on Instagram here.

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Black and white photo of author Jennifer Sodini.

Jennifer Sodini

About the Author

Jennifer Sodini is an artist, writer, speaker, and producer whose creative endeavors span various realms of art and spirituality. She is the author of Amenti Oracle Feather Heart Deck and Guidebook and Everyday Amenti, and the co-creator of the Modern Nirvana Oracle. Jennifer explores the intersection of esoteric philosophy and cutting-edge technology, bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern innovation. Her work has been featured in CosmopolitanOprah DailyRolling Stone, Vice, Sounds True, and Maxim. She splits her time between Los Angeles and Mexico.

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Black and white photo of artist Yoshino from the waist up. The artist is wearing a black shirt, and has one arm crossed in front with the other elbow sitting on that arm and raised up to his chin. He is smiling into the camera.


About the Author

Yoshino is an art polymath with a direct focus on image-making, writing, and interviewing. He uses photography as a medium to capture poetry within an image, and attempts to create a confluence between his internal and external observations. Within the image, he invites the viewer to enter a space of contemplation and self-reflection. Conversation and curiosity are cornerstones of Yoshino’s creative practice. In 2015, he created Artist Decoded, a podcast that explores the practices, lifestyles, and psychology of artists from various mediums.

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Photo of author Aubrey Houdeshell

Aubrey Houdeshell

About the Author

Aubrey Houdeshell is a professional tarot reader, astrologer, and shadow worker through her business Graveyard Roses. Her mission is to make spiritual work accessible and digestible to everyone, and her readings center on personal transformation and empowerment. Before turning to the mystical world full-time, Aubrey was a full-time writer and editor for non-profits. She resides in South Denver with her husband.

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Photo of artist Rose Ides. Photo credit to Matthew Guerrero

Rose Ides

About the Author

Rose Ides is an artist based in San Francisco. Her work is playful, whimsical, and often mystical, and has been featured in multiple collaborations.

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