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Cocreate with the Universe to Manifest Your Dream Future

Photo of “Intuitive Manifesting” standing in front of a potted plant

Dear Mystics, what is manifesting? Brigit Esselmont, founder of Biddy Tarot, defines true manifestation as “a dynamic process of cocreating your life alongside the Universe.” This cocreation requires us to tap into our deepest intuition to create soul-aligned goals.

Brigit details her four-step Intuitive Manifesting Method in her book Intuitive Manifesting: Align with Your Inner Wisdom and Attract Your Dream Life. Within these pages, you’ll learn to achieve the results you’re looking for by building a toolkit of resources, including meditations, rituals, and tarot spreads all tailored to boost your manifesting success.

No matter your passion – material abundance, emotional fulfillment, interpersonal connections – you can create your dream future! Learn more about cocreating with the Universe with this exclusive excerpt, courtesy of Brigit.

Line illustration of a kneeling woman with a spark of intuition

The Universe is Your Creative Partner

Cocreation, as I’ve come to understand it, is an intentional partnership between your deepest desires and the universal energy that interconnects us all. It’s about initiating action with the conviction that the Universe is not just a passive observer, but an active participant in bringing your dreams to life. You are working with the Universe, and the Universe is working with you.

This chapter dives into the heart of cocreation, guiding you to unlock your manifesting potential and draw your visions into reality, in harmony with the Universe’s energies.

Let’s be real, though, because we can stumble on the journey of manifesting when we lose this sacred alignment. Some sit back, casting their dreams skyward like wishes into the wind, passively awaiting the Universe’s intervention. Others forge ahead with unyielding determination, driven by ego, attempting to mold the world with brute force. Both approaches miss the delicate balance that is the essence of cocreation.

Imagine this: You feel a calling to change where you live and, inspired by what you see on Instagram or in magazines, you decide that living by the beach in a beautiful home is what you truly desire.

Driven by this dream, you might start by taking focused action to find your ideal beachfront property. But while you’re busy doing all the things to make your dream home come true, the Universe has other ideas, and you experience obstacle after obstacle. You keep pushing and pushing, trying to make it happen, but the Universe is shouting, “No! This isn’t for you!”

Alternatively, you might just leave everything up to the Universe. You create a vision board with stunning seaside images—but you’re imagining the salt air and sandy toes without taking any concrete steps. In this passive state, you’re simply adrift, waiting for the dream to materialize on its own.

But what if you truly embraced cocreation? What if you start by reflecting on what you genuinely seek in a home. Perhaps you realize it’s not merely a beach house you desire, but a space that nourishes your soul and connects you with nature. A vision of a home in the hinterland emerges, not just as a living space but as the inspiration for a lifestyle—with lush gardens, a patch for vegetables, and the tranquility of nature. With this redefined vision, you begin to align your actions with your intentions, exploring new locations and considering possibilities you hadn’t thought of before.

And then, the perfect hinterland home appears, not just as a dwelling, but as a sanctuary. Here, you can tend to your garden, bask in nature’s serenity, and welcome friends and family into a generous, warm space. What once seemed like a compromise becomes a revelation. This home, with its deep connection to nature and room for growth, surpasses the initial charm of a beachfront property. The ephemeral allure of the beach pales in comparison to the enduring, vibrant life offered by your hinterland retreat.

By embracing cocreation, you realize that the Universe sometimes guides you not toward the dream you initially envisioned but toward a reality that is far more enriching and in tune with your true self.

Cocreation isn’t about dictating terms to the Universe or resigning yourself to fate. It’s about acknowledging the Universe as a collaborative partner in manifesting your dreams.

In cocreating with the Universe, you begin to attune to the subtle synchronicities that mark your path—the recurring symbols, patterns, and pieces of advice that gently guide your way. You understand and move in harmony with the Universal Laws of Manifesting, aligning not through resistance but in a rhythm of graceful acceptance and surrender to the forces shaping our existence.

Line illustration of a woman in a seated yoga pose with an infinity symbol above her head

The Universal Laws of Manifesting

Understanding the Universal Laws of Manifesting becomes crucial as we journey deeper into cocreation with the Universe. These laws are as real and unyielding as the physical laws governing our world. They are the unseen yet powerful forces that shape energy, consciousness, and the materialization of our deepest dreams. By grasping these laws, we can sculpt our lives in partnership with the Universe. Let’s explore each one in more depth.

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction goes beyond mere positive thinking. It acknowledges the potent force of our focused thoughts and unwavering beliefs in shaping our external reality. By channeling our mental energy toward desired outcomes, we attract aligned experiences, drawing them to us with the inevitability of gravity. Conversely, fixating on negative thoughts can unwittingly invite unwanted experiences into our lives. Consider one of my students, Alise, who dreamed of a fulfilling career as an intuitive healer. Every day, she visualized herself as a clear channel for insight, helping dozens of clients release their limitations and live to their highest potential, as she felt the deep fulfillment and satisfaction of her role. As a result, her steadfast focus and belief gradually brought her vision into reality, presenting opportunities that matched her aspirations.

The Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration teaches us that every part of the cosmos, including ourselves, resonates with its own energy. When we attune our personal energy to resonate with that of our goals, the Universe reciprocates, crafting realities in line with our intentions. By aspiring toward our Highest Good, we invite an elevated state of being and experience that often surpasses our expectations. I think of this as “being then doing,” a powerful idea we’ll explore further in this book (see page 87). Be and then do; align with your Highest Good, and doors open to a world of possibilities.

For instance, if you’re seeking a harmonious relationship, embodying love and understanding in your own being attracts similar energy in a partner. You will be seeking love not just by wanting it, but by being a vessel of love and compassion, thereby attracting similar energy.

The Law of Action

The Law of Action emphasizes the importance of active participation in realizing our dreams. Visualization lays the groundwork, but purposeful action brings aspirations to fruition. John dreamed of being an artist. While he visualized his success, he also took proactive steps like going to classes and networking to bridge the gap between his desires and their actualization.

The Law of Gratitude

Gratitude acts as a magnet for prosperity. With the Law of Gratitude, we learn that thankfulness is not passive; it’s an active state of appreciation that, when practiced, multiplies the good in our lives. By actively practicing gratitude, we align with the frequency of abundance, setting the stage for more joy and growth. When Emily expressed genuine gratitude for her small business’s success, she not only enjoyed her achievements, but also opened doors to new opportunities and expansion.

The Law of Detachment

The Law of Detachment teaches the art of release and the acceptance of the fluid nature of the Universe. It teaches us to loosen our white-knuckled grip on specific expectations and trust in the ebb and flow of opportunity and possibility. When we detach, we don’t disengage from our goals; instead, we open ourselves to the full spectrum of potential outcomes, welcoming experiences that may far outshine our initial aspirations. By freeing ourselves from fixed outcomes, we open up to a spectrum of possibilities, allowing for unexpected and often more fulfilling results.

These laws work in concert with one another, each playing a vital role in manifestation. When your thoughts align with positive intentions (Attraction), your energy resonates with these intentions (Vibration), you take proactive steps (Action), revel in gratitude (Gratitude), and stay open to varied outcomes (Detachment), a powerful synergy emerges. This synergy lifts your desires from mere dreams to tangible realities.

Take a moment to reflect on instances in your life where these laws subtly steered your course. Maybe a serendipitous encounter that led to a significant opportunity was the Universe responding to your vibrational state. Or an apparent setback that guided you to a more suitable path was the Law of Detachment in action. Acknowledging these laws at work in your life enhances your connection with the Universe’s abundance, enabling you to navigate your journey with deeper awareness and purpose.

As you progress through this book, you’ll see these laws intricately woven into its fabric. By the end, you’ll be adept at using them intuitively to manifest your dreams into reality. In fact, take a moment now to reflect on how they have already played a role in your life, paving the way for a profound bond with the Universe’s endless abundance.

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Unlocking Your Limitless Potential

In true cocreation, the journey unfolds with almost ethereal ease, as if it were predestined. You’ll find yourself surpassing the realms of ordinary logic, tapping into a reservoir of potential that may seem elusive to your conscious mind, yet is deeply understood by the Universe.

Embracing cocreation opens you to a world where magic is real and outcomes extend beyond mere personal desires, reaching for the collective Highest Good. It’s about adopting the kind of trust eloquently described by Gabrielle Bernstein—the profound belief that the Universe indeed has your back.

However, it’s important not to mistake cocreation for mere wish-making. It’s a shared endeavor; you and the Universe both play your parts. Your active engagement is crucial. Without it, you might find yourself caught up in an ego-driven uphill battle, where achievements might feel unfulfilling, lacking true resonance with your deepest self and the Universe’s grand design.

Ultimately, cocreation resides in the sweet spot between intention and surrender, between making things happen and letting them happen. It’s about actively shaping your path and allowing the Universe to weave its magic into the pattern. This delicate equilibrium is the secret to transforming existence into an extraordinary adventure, marked by deep alignment with the universal flow.

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Brigit Esselmont

About the Author

Brigit Esselmont is one of the world’s best-known and most beloved Tarot readers and teachers. Over the last 25 years, she has revolutionized the world of Tarot with a unique blend of intuition, entrepreneurship, and a deep passion for empowering others to manifest their dreams. Through her online programs, certifications, books, website, and podcast, she has inspired millions to connect with their intuition and live a more mindful and enlightened life with Tarot as their guide. She lives in Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, with her husband and two daughters.

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